Met some relatively local folks at the Egg Harbor (NJ) 4-H train show last month and invited them for a visit.
Bill Repholx showed up bearing a gift: a Reading Caboose he had painted (and manned).It looks like the Life Like NE caboose I currently had (the bottom is different) but is a great upgrade over my existing caboose.
It will look great bringing up the rear of the Reading coal drag that supplies the Atlantic Electric Deepwater Power Plant on my Pennsylvania-Reading Seashore Lines.
He also brought some old LifeLike FA's he painted to run.
Those of you who ever had old LifeLike F's or FA's know that they can pull 100 car trains up a 90 degree incline.

Hopefully you will be able to see them next week if Ken Richter posts the video he made.
Ken has an eye for the camera. I marvel at his work, especially since it was done in a crowded room under low light conditions.
(Also keep an eye out for Ken's EL Alcos in the video.)
Citizens of Troy could only wish the Greeks had been so generous with their gifts.