Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Wiring's Done! (3 Modules)

Added a second power pack and completed the wiring for the first 3 modules. Installed an extra terminal block for the common line. What a back breaker! The trapped wall bookshelves (see earlier post) under the shelf layout made for wiring contortions that even a younger person would struggle with. I probably should have found a way to hinge the terminal panels to flip up out of sight but that would have made me view the wiring blocks backwards and that would have challenged me with spatial conception issues. Oh well, it is done! Only one module left that will be over a bookshelf.

So where do we stand. I have 3 modules that are essentially complete. They still need finishing details added but that can wait until there is less construction (and elbow damage). We have 3 modules, 2 mainline tracks and 8 sidings. I can switch 7.  The Texaco refinery stub is a long way off. I can run 2 trains 14' each (and back 14'). I will need to go onto the next module (Woodbury or Delaware River crossing) or add temporary end loops so I can enjoy some continuous running.
A stand-in for the Buzby concrete plant (Walther's Medusa cement plant) is under construction. (I also despise plastic silo kits, I do not do well with them.) Eventually I'll have to do a small brick rectangular station (Westville's replacement station). What would really give the layout a PRSL flavor is some small PRR style passenger shelters for the other side of the tracks (need 3 of them: Westville, South Westville (Olive Street) and North Woodbury). The shelters opposite the Woodbury station were longer and more traditional.

Loft space is getting tight. I will have to sell off the 4'x8' to get space (but first I am waiting for N Scale magazine to tell me the latest article submission pictures are OK). Then that will give me enough space to start new construction. In the meantime, some structure kits and planning, including scheming to find a way to pay for a Norfolk Southern GEVO PRR heritage unit (will serve as another of my planned anachronisms [ready Lee?]).

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