Saturday, August 1, 2015

The PRSL Camden Coaling Tower

The PRSL Pavonia Yard in Camden had a massive concrete coaling tower during its steam days.
I could only locate two published photos of it.
[Update: Just learned that there were no engine servicing faclities at the Pavonia Yard. 
They were located at the Camden Terminal Engine House (CTE) just south of the Broadway Station in Camden.]

Pavonia Coaling Tower - PRSL in Color by John Stroup p67
Pavonia Coaling Tower - Jim Foster PRSLHS
I found an old Walthers Coaling Tower kit that will probably be as close as I can come to it.
The kit is a nightmare with poor, limited instructions and even some assembly pictures being wrong.
Add to it my limited modeling skills and I barely got thought its construction.

Now I need to add a track off the turntable to feed it.

At least the PRSL, PRR, and Reading steamers will have something somewhat realistic to feed them. The Minitrix PRR K4s and Reading I10 consol are poor runners but at least they look pretty.

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