Friday, May 22, 2015

Op Session 3 Post Mortem

1) We had a lot of fun
2) We got to run almost the entire train schedule
3) Short sleeves definitely keep the scenery damage levels down (sorry about those scraped forearms)  :-)

Problems to fix
1) I need to solder a joint in the LX yard lead
2) I need to remove 1 balky covered hopper (too light to stay on the tracks)
3) A coupler drooped and basically fell out of one of the sharks that recently had KD's installed (a B unit also had a coupler failure prior to the beginning of the session)
4) Need to check the staging yard which is power routed via turnouts (possibly 2 were being powered at once)
5) Out of 37 cars remaining in the Pavonia side of the yard, only 1 load and 6 empties were classified onto the correct tracks at the end of the session
6) None of the yard waybills were turned
7) Two pairs of engines were left interspersed with the freight cars within the yard
8) Tim left without his homework (a tower kit to build)

1) The first positive totally outweighs all the problems
2) We are getting really good at running trains
3) We have a glaring need to review the purpose of the waybill usage (we are moving freight not just running trains)
4) We need to reduce demerits to at least only double figures!  :-)
5) In another year we should have the hang of it.

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