Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Missing Piece

Ever try to look at a scene you are creating and keep thinking something is missing?

I kept looking at my North Westville scene and having that feeling, something is missing!

Eureka, I have found it. The water tower!

It's construction was always on the back burner: it wasn't a perfect match, it's tedious to CA the metal bracing, it needs to be painted, the white paint doesn't look white enough, yada, yada, yada.

Well, I finally completed it and put it in the scene and it was the missing link.
It balanced the power house on the left. It is a signature Westville icon, and it just plain looks right.

Still need to cut the individual decal letters to spell out the town name on it (another signature detail) and possibly add an American flag decal, but it just plain fits.

Meanwhile the Timber creek module progress continues. I still struggle with roads. Tried the Patch N' Paint lightweight spackle recommended on Railwire and the first coat is still unsatisfactory. I patched it with regular spackle and am waiting for it to dry so that I can repaint it a concrete color. The highway circles are in.

Painted the rivers. They again dried darker than expected. I am now putting on a matte medium gloss coat.

Soon it will be ready for the garage to loft move. I fear the line-up to the Westville module may have been miscalculated so cross your fingers.

Meanwhile the "To Do" list continues to grow (add trees, cut down background buildings, etc).

'Till next time.  :-)

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